June 20, 2019
I love to learn about the good things my family members and friends have. You know that moment when they ask, “Have you heard of _____? Oh, it is my new favorite thing! I cannot live without it.” It is a guilty pleasure to me, so I have decided to share some of my favorite GOOD THINGS with you!
Last week my daughter B asked if I was wearing my fake eyelashes. I was not. I was actually in my workout clothes and a messy bun. Looking back that may have been a great time to throw my false eyelashes on. I took it as a compliment that she thought my eyelashes were long enough to be false. I have to give that eyelash credit to Rodan and Fields. I often get asked if my eyelashes are my own. Most of the time, they are my own lashes. I tend to wear my magnetic lashes, from One Two Cosmetics, if I am photographing a wedding or dressing up for the day. I have thrown them on for a baseball game or two, because I needed a little pick-me-up to feel fancy. I have learned that they are the perfect amount of extra lashes, because Farmer J does not notice when I have them on until I point it out to him.
Instagram told me that I needed a pair of Rothy’s The Point flats and they were right! These durable flats are made from recycled water bottles and they can be washed! They have become my go-to wedding day shoe. This means that they are comfortable enough for me to wear them all day long. There are a wide variety of colors and styles. They are an investment for a pair of flats, but I can wear them all day long, run, and bend down in them. I have worn them for the past five weddings and I do not plan to stop. I just may need to look into the cheetah print as well because I think they are calling my name. If you are a wedding photographer or on your feet all day, take a look into Rothy’s.
These are the real pair that I wear to weddings and portrait sessions. They are not brand new. It looks like they could use a wash!
My final GOOD THING is a natural deodorant. For years I have been on the hunt for a natural deodorant that works for me! Farmer J has been slow to join the natural deodorant train, but Native Deodorant won him over. His favorite bar of deodorant is Eucalyptus and Mint. I am a fan of Coconut and Vanilla. Native Deodorant has safe ingredients, and I feel like everyone is talking about it! I brought up this brand of deodorant with a neighbor, and she said that she is already using it! (Her favorite bar is Rosé.) If you have been on the fence of trying a natural deodorant, I recommend you give this a try.
If you would like to see more personal posts, please click here. These are the earrings I am wearing in my eyelash pictures.
I loved reading this post! Great ideas!