May 8, 2019
Years ago, my father’s side of the family would come to our house for Easter. Imagine my sister and me in fancy Easter dresses. As I got older, I think I started to wear my tennis shoes to run more quickly during the egg hunt. After my grandparents passed away, this Neves Easter tradition faded. With my father passing away two years ago, my mother has kept her Easters low key. But this Easter Sunday the tradition continued! I think the adults had as much fun as the children! To view our early Enos celebration, please click here.
My father used to be very tricky with his egg/gift hiding for us big kids. He would spray paint eggs to match the color of the grass and then bury them to barely be showing. He would hide orange eggs to blend in with the remaining oranges on the orange tree. I give my father this credit, but I am certain my mother contributed as well. This Easter my mother did some very strategic hiding of her own with the children and the adults! The children hunted for plastic eggs filled with treats geared to each child, and the adults searched for adult beverages. The adults were each given a six-pack carton, and each adult had six beverages to find. She used green yarn to tie the beverages into trees, and this helped to camouflage the treat in hiding. Elbows may have been thrown by some of the adults!
During our Easter dinner, my mother gave a wonderful toast. She said that without her husband, my father, none of us would be sitting around her table. She was grateful that my father brought each one of us into her life. This included my aunts and their husbands, myself, Farmer J, and our children. It is amazing what one person can bring to your life, even after they are gone.
Mom, thank you for hosting a fun-filled Easter Sunday! You put so much work and preparation into the day. You have the best looking lawn in Chico! Farmer J agrees! We all had a wonderful time spending the day with family. We are looking forward to the next Neves event!