August 23, 2021
Jake and Deidre’s love story last ended with their maternity session in the spring. Since then, they have welcomed their beautiful daughter into their lives, and they also have just moved into a new home. Apparently, having a baby was not exciting enough for them! 😉 They have since started to settle into their new routine with two under two! You can view Jake and Deidre’s maternity session here.
I have said it before and I will say it again, I absolutely love following my clients’ love stories. I have been fortunate to follow Jake and Deidre’s story since they were engaged. During their in-home lifestyle session, Deidre‘s mom was around to help get the girls ready; and she was also a good chocolate provider as an incentive for sitting down and taking pictures. They are so lucky to have extra help close at hand and nearby relationships for the girls.
Deidre and Jake, thank you so much for inviting me into your new home. You two are already well on your way to making it yours. Your whole family did amazing, especially with it being around dinner time. Your girls are so lucky to have the two of you as their parents and to have a sister to share their childhood memories. What lucky girls! I cannot wait to see where your love story takes you next! I am so excited for you to see some of my many favorites from your in-home lifestyle session at your new house.