September 4, 2019
Family Blog: Olivia and Baduel wanted to update their family picture before their older daughter, Bianca, returned to Texas. Bianca and her boyfriend, Christian, returned home for Bianca’s high school reunion. Their days here were limited; but we were able to gather all of Olivia and Baduel’s family together at California State University, Chico, to take a large extended family picture with plenty of breakouts to include many special relationships. You can view more extended family sessions here.
Baduel was a wonderful help in getting everyone to smile and laugh. I may need to bring him along on future sessions! He even got Olivia into a giggle attack which helped create plenty of gorgeous and genuine pictures of just the two of them. Some of my favorite pictures from their session were pictures of Olivia and Baduel’s daughters together. They are both beautiful young ladies with even more amazing personalities. A sisters’ picture will get me every time!
Olivia and Baduel, I am so happy that we were able to capture this moment in time with your amazing family! I truly enjoyed every minute I spent with your family. I loved getting to know your parents and daughters (Christian too!). I can easily see how much love and respect you all share for one another. I am so excited for you to see some of my many favorites from your session at California State University, Chico. I hope these pictures bring smiles to your faces for years to come!